
Check All Terms And Conditions Before Ordering A Product! If you are going to be the visitor or customer who wants to get some product from our website then you are requested to read, understand, and accept all the terms and conditions. Privacy policy, delivery policy, return policy, and all other policies should be cross checked and understood clearly. However, there is not any restriction for visiting this website. But, for purchase, orders, and coupons, this is requested to have better understanding of the terms and conditions. The acceptance of yours for terms and conditions shows that you are agreeing to make a deal with us for product and its delivery. The terms and conditions for the products and goods sell are mentioned underneath: The product information and associated services should be checked out which will be available there at relevant sections. We are not having any joint venture with any other company or firm so, always you will get products from us with the same name of our brand. Checking, screening, and testing for the products will be done from our end so that we will be sure at our end before delivery. Prices and availability for the goods and products can be changed without any prior notice mentioned on the website. It is the sole right of paridhanlok.com. Once the order for selected product will be placed, request for cancellations will not be entertained. At times, we keep rights to cancel or stop the order succession if the product is mentioned with wrong rates, no matter order are placed and received. Payments will be refunded in such cases to the customers’ account without any hassle. Due to any delay in order delivery where customer is responsible for the same, extra amount and charges will be paid by the customer. Only authentic and trustworthy information will be acceptable if during cross check session any fault will be noticed then, without any prior information this should be reported. The payment asked by any other website or spam mail without naming of paridhanlok.com should not be done by customer as it can be a fraudster act. Not any such fraud cases will not be entertained by us! Any act which comes under natural and got act will not be handled from our end as it is out of our control. At such times late and non-delivery conditions can come across. The customer should have age of 18 at-least. There should be legal guardian of her or him. For duration of 30 days we will be not be there to listen any issue, after this we will not entertain if the product is timely delivered. Any kind of query, doubt, or unwanted confusion regarding terms and conditions will be shortened when we will get your note at [email protected]. Written queries will be entertained with written clarification, but it should be done before using the service.